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Media Section

Contact and information for journalists

Media contacts: 

Robert Fekl
Team Lead Media Relations & Editorial SCC EVENTS
E-Mail: Robert.Fekl(at)

Jochen Schmitz
Team Lead Media Relations & Editorial SCC EVENTS
E-Mail: Jochen.Schmitz(at)

Jürgen Lock
CEO SCC EVENTS and Head of SCC EVENTS Medical Team
E-Mail: Juergen.Lock(at)

Media accreditation

Please apply for accreditation by July 26th before the event via email to

Media accreditation is available to journalists of all fields (print, internet, TV, radio, photography, agency). All media credentials are available at theevent day on side (from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm). Please find in this document a description on how to pick up your credentials. It also provides information and links to online ressources that help with your preparation, if needed.

Other information requests regarding the adidas Runners City Night can be adressed to